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If you are using a Debian-based Linux we suggest to use the deb-package provided by us in our archive. It is most easily installed with "gdebi" which automatically resolves the dependencies if they are available in your repositories.
If you encounter errors with unavailable packages, you can try the following steps:
When Qt5 (or one of its packages, e.g. qt5xbase) is missing, usually your Debian is too old to have a recent enough version in its official repositories. We suggest to use the same packages that we use for building (make sure to adapt the Qt version and your Debian/Ubuntu version, here Xenial):
and try the installation again. If after the successful Qt installation above, ICU with its libicu is missing in a certain version, we suggest to find the missing version on https://pkgs.org/ and install it with gdebi, too. You can safely have multiple versions of ICU installed.
To ensure the tool functionality please add the OPENMS_DATA_PATH variable to your environment as follows (you will get an error advising you this when executing a tool):
If you used a thirdparty repository to install Qt5 (through the workaround above), do not forget to source the provided environment file like this (mind the version number again)
Executables for THIRDPARTY applications can be found in:
Add the folders inside to your PATH for a convenient use of our adapters.
Currently there are also packaged versions of OpenMS provided for Fedora, OpenSUSE, Debian, and Ubuntu available in the corresponding package managers of these distributions (they might require a lookup in thirdparty "science" repositories). For other GNU/Linux distributions or to obtain the most recent version of the library you need to build your own OpenMS.
Get the source code from Github and see Building OpenMS on GNU/Linux on how to build OpenMS.
We are also constantly updating our Docker support. Images can be obtained via <a href="https://hub.docker.com/u/openms/>Dockerhub</a> and <a href="http://biocontainers.pro/">Biocontainers repositories. Depending on what you want to do, images can be pulled via one of the following commands
once you have successfully installed docker (see Docker documentation).
More dockerfiles to build different kinds of images (corresponding to build instructions, e.g. on ArchLinux) can be found on our Github under: https://github.com/OpenMS/dockerfiles